Families in Yemen continue to face one of the largest humanitarian crises of our time. Due to faltering global attention, the life-saving aid programs provided to children and families in Yemen have been cut - leaving 23 million people in need of critical assistance.

Your sustained support is urgently needed to maintain the IRC’s work in Yemen and other conflict areas around the world, providing clean water, medicine, malnutrition treatment, cash assistance and other urgent aid to as many people as possible.

23 million civilians in Yemen continue to face one of the largest humanitarian crises of our time.

Your sustained support is urgently needed to maintain the IRC’s work in Yemen and other conflict areas around the world.

Your gift allows us to deliver comprehensive help to people affected by humanitarian crises and will be used where and when most needed. And, when combined with those of other donors, your gift becomes a powerful means to support our vital work, including education, health care, emergency support and job training for families in crisis worldwide.
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Help IRC save lives in Yemen and worldwide.
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Families in Yemen continue to face one of the largest humanitarian crises of our time. Due to faltering global attention, the life-saving aid programs provided to children and families in Yemen have been cut - leaving 23 million people in need of critical assistance.

Your sustained support is urgently needed to maintain the IRC’s work in Yemen and other conflict areas around the world, providing clean water, medicine, malnutrition treatment, cash assistance and other urgent aid to as many people as possible.

23 million civilians in Yemen continue to face one of the largest humanitarian crises of our time.

Your sustained support is urgently needed to maintain the IRC’s work in Yemen and other conflict areas around the world.

Your gift allows us to deliver comprehensive help to people affected by humanitarian crises and will be used where and when most needed. And, when combined with those of other donors, your gift becomes a powerful means to support our vital work, including education, health care, emergency support and job training for families in crisis worldwide.

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Charity Navigator four star charity. Charity Watch top rated. Better Business Bureau accredited charity. MasterCardVisa American Express Discover

Donate by phone:1-855-9RESCUE
To give by check, mail to
International Rescue Committee
P.O. Box 6068, Albert Lea, MN 56007-9847

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